Bailey Doyle Takes Over


On Monday, October 5, we had our first #studenttakeover by sophomore, Bailey Doyle, who is studying Public Relations and Communication Studies; she originally hails from San Francisco, CA. We caught up with Bailey to ask about her experience!

Image credit: Bailey Doyle

The takeover was so much fun! It was really interesting to film my whole day and help prospective students see a normal day in the life of a Marquette student. I planned out my day before and made sure to start walking to class early. This helped me make sure I allowed for time to film. Sometimes it would take me a couple tries to get the right wording and make sure there was no background noise. The takeover was definitely something that required some preparation beforehand. Overall it was a super fun and interesting experience!

So many people from either current classes or previous classes came up to me throughout the day and brought up the fact that I was doing the takeover. They said it was so awesome to see what I do in a day, and how it differs from their days. Some of my friends were texting me about it and gave me some really positive feedback. I was happy to hear that they were enjoying the content I was putting out, and I was glad they found it informative.

I think student takeovers positively impact the college community especially for prospective students. I remember when I was an incoming freshman I was searching all over YouTube and Instagram to see what a day in the life at Marquette was like. I think it gives students a really realistic and genuine idea of what their future can possibly hold.

This experience really reminded me of the power of social media and how quickly information can be spread over the internet. Especially during the pandemic, I think the takeover gave prospective students an experience they may not be able to receive this year due to fewer in-person tours and travel restrictions. I hope I was able to help any incoming students who weren’t able to come out to Milwaukee and have an in person experience.

Image credit: Bailey Doyle

For any students who want to take over an account in the future: make sure to have fun! At the end of the day this is supposed to be a fun experience for students, so just make sure not to get too invested in getting the most perfect shot. Make sure to stay genuine and happy throughout the video! Also be sure to give yourself extra time before going to class to document what you are doing. Enjoy!

#DiederichCollege students, are you interested in taking over the college’s Instagram account? Reach out and let us know; we’d love to see your days!



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