Student Spotlight: Mariam Ali
My name is Mariam Ali and I am a senior in the Diederich College of Communication studying advertising. My parents immigrated from Pakistan to America in 1990 and then had me. I grew up in Mequon, Wis. and went to Homestead High School. The advertising field intrigues me because it’s more of a creative aspect to marketing.
I was drawn to Marquette because I know of many family friends who had gone here. In fact, I originally was interested in the pre-law program here. I ended up not getting into the program, so I switched my major to advertising as I am a more creative person and this field allowed me to be in touch with that aspect.
My favorite memory at Marquette so far was when I learned to screen print shirts at MIAD and handmade the club shirts for the Boxing Club, as I was media coordinator at the time. The experience was super fun and inspired me to make shirts of my own and start my own business.
During this academic year, I am most excited to complete painting the mural for the commuter lounge. I am also excited to be graduating early this semester.
Outside of school I like to box, long board, and am currently enjoying making my own custom t-shirt apparel line.