Wisconsin Advertising Hall of Fame Proudly Welcomes Marquette University’s Very Own Dave Hanneken
The Wisconsin Advertising Hall of Fame honors the achievements and preserves the work of Wisconsin’s greatest advertising and design professionals. On November 17, 2022, Dave Hanneken was inducted into the Wisconsin Advertising Hall of Fame.
Hanneken is known to have a significant impact on Milwaukee Advertising with award-winning advertising work spanning three decades long. He’s earned previous awards in writing and creative at Hoffman-York, is a co-founder of the agency Kohnke-Hanneken, one of the founding members of the United Adworkers, and an adjunct professor of advertising for Marquette University. Dave has spent his career mentoring future generations of creative talent and offered some of valuable insights to these future generations in his speech at the induction ceremony.
Hanneken was fortunate to have worked for the advertising legend David Ogilvy who was famous for his many quotes on the business and his philosophy for success. One of his more famous lines was: “When you work with people bigger than yourself, you become a company of giants.” Hanneken believes the same can be said about individuals.
“When you work with people bigger than yourself, you get to stand on their shoulders. And as a result, you tend to have a better perspective on the world. You can see where you were and where you are headed. And most obvious of all… when you stand on the shoulders of giants, YOU attract attention as well.” — Dave Hanneken
Hanneken expressed that there is perhaps no better business for the curious.
“Those inquisitive souls who prefer a life well-examined — those who love to go into the freak show at the county fair, even if they know the six-legged cow is going to have two prosthetics duct taped to its hip. Curious people simply MUST pay the admission to see it! It’s our curse… it’s our gift.” — Dave Hanneken
Hanneken was asked to bestow some advice to the youngsters in the crowd tonight and shared four valuable recommendations:
1. Never forget what’s important in life. That is, being a good person, being kind to others, being empathetic, and treating others the way you want to be treated.
2. Don’t be a whiner. The old adage is true: 20% of people don’t care about your problems, and 80% are glad you have them.
3. Be curious. And never stop asking why, and never stop learning. If you’re ever in a job and you find you’ve learned all you can… it’s time to move on.
4. There are two kinds of people in the world: The person who walks into a party and announces, “Here I am!” and the person who walks into a party and says, “There you are!” Strive to be the second person.
Read more about Dave Hanneken’s pursuits in the advertising space here.